Microneedling with PRP

What Is Microneedling With PRP?

Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), is a cosmetic procedure that will leave you looking younger. This treatment will encourage your skin to create new collagen on a profound level. Unlike microneedling, the Microneedling with PRP treatment delivers more profound results for areas requiring extensive correction.

The Way It Works

First, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm. Next, we extract the PRP to be used in your procedure. Your skin artist at Esthetic Solutions Med Spa uses the SkinStylus®, a medical-grade, FDA-approved microneedle device.

The SkinStylus produces a more refined result and greater comfort during the procedure. The growth factors from the PRP are then “painted” into the micro-punctures and soaked into the tissue for further tightening and skin regeneration. The skin tightens, the complexion starts to shine, fine lines soften, and scaring flattens, resulting in a glowing, gorgeous, youthful, and natural outcome.

What To Expect After Microneedling With PRP

After undergoing Microneedling with PRP, it is possible to experience some facial redness. However, it is important to note that this procedure is noninvasive and requires minimal downtime. You should refrain from touching your face for a few hours following the procedure. If your trained practitioner approves, you can use an ice pack or Tylenol to reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

The filler used in the treatment can produce immediate plumping results. In contrast, the radiant and even complexion resulting from PRP (platelet-rich plasma) will become apparent within 2–3 weeks. Please note that the effects of the procedure are not permanent and typically last for about 1 year, with some cases showing results for up to 18 months.

Schedule a private consultation by calling 480.280.6062

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I prepare for my treatment?
Please arrive makeup-free with clean skin.

Is Microneedling with PRP safe?
Receiving this treatment is considered the safest procedure because it uses your own blood.

How long is recovery?
Recovery will take about 3 days. Within the first 24 hours, you will see some redness followed by slight swelling over the next 48–72 hours.

Comfort Care

We recognize that clients may experience anxiety when considering injectables and other med spa treatments. To alleviate stress and anxiety, we offer an array of comfort care tools designed specifically for this purpose.

Vibration Tools
Gently press and massage the T-shaped tool around your face and jawline to add mild vibration and help relax your facial muscles.

Let Pro-Nox take away the pain and worry of any treatment so you can focus on the results. Empower yourself by controlling any discomfort by inhaling this blend of nitrous oxide and oxygen.

Stress Balls
This therapeutic tool manages anxiety by squeezing away stress during your treatment.

Customized Solutions

Emily Tryon, RN, created the TryTOX® Methods to correct, perfect, and maintain. Request a private consultation with one of our trained practitioners to learn which method will ensure your best outcome.

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